Planning is happening to roughly understand how much capacity is needed for work to be done and find the right people to do the job. Such demand and capacity management approaches are applicable for high-level planning when no work estimates are provided yet, and no lower-level items, such as Features or User Stories, exist. This set of solutions allows tracking the upcoming demand of People (individuals) or Teams for existing and forthcoming Initiatives, Projects, or any other Work Items, seeing people's availability, and balancing the available and allocated capacity within a specific Period (such as Week, Month, Quarter or Year). Here you can see the videos for Demand Management solutions, User Blended Rates, Team Rates, Team Velocity and Cost per Point solutions and Actual Costs based on Time Records and Costs Roll Up solutions. The plan costs 7 per user per month and comes with the following features: Time tracker: a simple one-click time tracker with the option of real-time tracking.

The solutions described in this article are designed to help you manage User and Team Demand and Capacity, new Time Tracking solutions, and new components and extensions for the Project Portfolio Budgeting solution (a new version of it is coming soon!). With Replicon you can effortlessly track project hours, monitor employee attendance, & manage time-off requests. Track your time right within your favorite productivity web apps. Streamline your workforces time tracking & simplify payroll processes with ease.
#Trackingtime user capacity install
You can read about their target business need and installation details and install them right to your account in no time! There are three team member roles with different permission levels: Administrator, Project Manager and Coworker: Coworkers: can only track time and edit tasks on projects they have been assigned to and can only see their own time. Replicon Time Tracking is a comprehensive solution for efficient & accurate time management. All the solutions are available in the Solution Library. We are pleased to announce the release of new solutions in Targetprocess.